Why you need PVC Wood Blinds in your Bathroom

You might have dreams of redoing your bathroom window treatments and dress them with lovely wooden window blinds, however, the truth is that these blinds will only bend, crack and deteriorate in a bathroom environment.

Fortunately for you, there is an alternative that is perfectly suitable for bathrooms – PVC wood blinds!

It’s obvious that your bathroom will be full of moisture, so that is why it is so important to consider the furniture and décor inside your bathroom and ensure it is durable and water-resistant. Splashes and steam can easily damage materials and lead to mold and mildew.

While you may think that wood would be able to withstand such conditions, wooden window blinds really cannot stand up against continuous moisture and humidity.

Just because you cannot have wooden blinds in your bathroom doesn’t mean you cannot use PVC wood to add the beauty and style that wooden blinds would. PVC wood blinds give you the best of both worlds, the beauty of wood and the practicality of man-made materials that will be able to stand up against the moisture in your bathroom.

PVC wood blinds are sturdy, durable and are not known to bend and warp as would typical wooden window blinds. At Blinds 4 You, we recommend PVC wooden blinds as they are not only waterproof but also resistant to damage such as warping and cracking. For a free quote on professional, tailor-made blinds and installations, please contact Michael today on 072 458 5457 or email mike@blinds4you.co.za

Our PVC wooden blinds are also so easy to clean, which is vital in your bathroom as it is a room that is used on a regular basis.

Want to know what wooden window blinds you should install in your bathroom? Here are the window blinds that are best suited for your bathroom!


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