The 6 Pros of Installing Roman Blinds in your Home

To put it into simple terms, Roman blinds are window treatments that are made from fabric and draw upwards in pleats. So these blinds may not be your first choice, but there are a range of pros when it comes to installing them in your home.

Here are 6 of the most important pros about why you should be installing Romans blinds in your house…

1. Roman blinds come in a range of style options. Choose whichever fabric, colour, width and length pleases you – this is also great if you’re on a tight budget!

2. Because these blinds are so versatile, they can be customised for all of the different rooms in your house. You’ll won’t want the same look in your kitchen that you have in your bedroom or bathroom!

3. Keep up with the modern trends by installing Roman blinds in your house – they never really go out of fashion.

4. Save money and time by installing Roman blinds because of this! Meaning you don’t have to worry about getting new, more modern window fixtures every few years.

5. Everyone needs privacy, which is why the Roman blind is so great. These blinds allow you to control the amount of sunlight that comes into the room as well as the visibility from the outside. Some blinds can even completely black out the room!

6. Roman blinds are useful when it comes to covering up glass areas such as glass doors and patio windows.

Roman blinds will always bring a lovely, finished touch to your home and draw attention to how cosy and elegant your home is.

So have you figured out which blinds you’d like to get yet? If you’re interested in installing high quality, custom made blinds in your home, please contact Michael from Blinds 4 You in Cape Town on 072 458 5457 or email


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