4 Helpful Tips on how to choose and care for your Window Blinds

Your windows are often forgotten and left as the last element to consider when it comes to decorating your home, however it can make a huge different to the rooms overall style as well as the ventilation and temperature.

If you’re not a curtain person and would prefer a fashionable blind which offers control over sunlight, shade and privacy then consider that you first need to identify what your specific requirements are before you buy your blinds.

Michael Sher from Blinds 4 You in Cape Town, South Africa, shares his expert 4 tips on selecting your window blinds…

Are the blinds for your bedroom? If the blinds are for your bedroom, where you would prefer a darker room, than look at roller blinds which are available in darker colours and materials. These are also ideal because they have no slats to let light inside!

Are you choosing window blinds for a humid room? If you’re choosing blinds for a humid room such as your kitchen or bathroom then avoid choosing a window treatment that is made from linen, silk and wood as these blinds can rot and even grow mould!

Does the room let in lots of light? Vertical blinds are really great at directing away any bright sunlight but still let in ample amount of light into the room.

Always remember to keep your blinds clean and dust-free. Use a vacuum to clean your window blinds effectively. If you spot any stubborn stains or marks, you can use a mild detergent – always remember never to spray cleaner directly on your window blinds if they are made from fabric!

The way you dress your window can really change the look and feel of your room as well as bring the whole space together as a whole. Michael advises that window blinds must always be considered as a window staple for your home!

Blinds 4 You in Cape Town, South Africa, offers a range of window solutions and window covering options – Contact Michael Sher today on 072 458 5457 or email mike@blinds4you.co.za for fast, reliable and affordable window installations!


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